Zero Waste Goals and Performance


The University of California system, and the Santa Cruz campus, established policies with measurable goals to work toward zero waste.

  • Reduce waste generation rate by 25% from the 2015-16 level by 2025, and reduce it further to 50% of the 2015-16 level by 2030. The waste generation rate is the weight of all discarded materials (landfilled or recycled) divided by the number of users creating waste.

  • Achieve a landfill diversion rate of 90%. The landfill diversion rate is the percentage of discarded materials that are kept out of the landfill.

 Zero Waste Performance 

The campus measures how we are doing on the zero waste goals.

  • The waste generation rate is 0.88 pounds per user per day as of June 2024. The 2025 goal is 0.82 pounds per user per day.
  • The landfill diversion rate is 49% as of June 2024. The rate including construction waste is 81% due to a large amount of recycled material from the Kresge construction project.

 Waste generation graph

 Waste diversion rate graph